- NAL说明会时间:9/29(四)中午12点30分
- NAL说明会地点:博理201
- NAL说明会报名网址:https://forms.gle/4d8t1r6DsvJu1aeQ7
- NAL说明会简章概述(详见附件):
Half-year internship in the U.S. (NAL)
2023年United States Department Of Agriculture美国农业部国家农业研究局(USDA-ARS)与台大电资学院合作之研究实习计画征选硕博士生参与!实习单位为美国农业部国家农业图书馆 (National Agricultural Library, NAL) 网页连结请见:www.nal.usda.gov。
2023 internship at National Agricultural Library (NAL), United States Department Of Agriculture. More info about NAL at www.nal.usda.gov.
申请资格 Applicant Qualification |
台大硕、博士班研究生 2 Master and Ph.D students in NTU |
实习期间 Internship Period |
半年(约自2023年2月到2023年8月) Half year (approximately starting from Feb. 2023 to Aug. 2023.) |
申请文件 Application Documents |
*若无英语能力检定成绩,依然可提申请;若获NAL录取,需于办理签证前补交检定证明。若英语能力经NAL检定后认定须加强,学生可获NAL补助,并于出国前完成要求之英文课程。 * English Language Certificate can be provided after NAL acceptance before visa application. If NAL considers the further improvement in English proficiency necessary, the NAL-accepted student needs to complete required English courses before departure to US. |
审查时程Application Timeline |
*申请签证相关时程为预估,请注意个人学业生涯规划 *The appropriate time for visa application is estimated. Please be aware of your academic career plan. |
薪资 Salary |
月薪约1,500美金内 (依据国立台湾大学之标准给薪) Maximum $1,500 (USD) salary/per month *The amount of salary will be paid according to the policy of NTU. |
福利Benefits |
实习报告 Internship Report |
申请资料下载Download information: https://www.space.ntu.edu.tw/navigate/s/732DCF67876A4A868E9FED3BD94BEC60QQY |
Please submit all application documents in electronic and hard copy form to Ms. Cathy Chen (cathychen@ntu.edu.tw) in room 202 in Barry Lam Hall before 12 pm on October 12, 2022. The college of EECS will review all applicants and make the nomination to NAL.
本案承办人: 陈贞伶 小姐 电话: 33663697
Email: cathychen@ntu.edu.tw